Updating your account settings

Update your account settings such as login details, personal notifications and alerts, data privacy and more here

Every user will have their own account settings which is not accessible by anyone else. The details on this page belong to you.

It can be accessed:

  • On the web, on the bottom left of the screen where your avatar is.

  • On mobile, on the top right corner of the dashboard where your avatar is.

A normal member won’t have access to their profile on the People Settings page, but this is where they can update their account settings and configure their personal details and preferences.

Note: As an owner, if you need to resend your email verification, there will be a message on your Account Settings to allow you to do so.

There are six sections on your Account Settings. This article covers all six of them:

Your Jibble account dashboard

Work information

This is the left panel of the page, and where you can find your basic work information:

  • Your profile photo

  • Your preferred name

  • Your role

  • Your group (You can only belong to one group, but you can manage a few)

  • Direct manager to report to (Who you directly report to)

Only the profile photo is editable. The rest can only be edited on the person’s profile on the People Settings page.

Your details and Login & security details

Personal details

You are able to change your full name and preferred name, which reflects everywhere on the app.

Preferred name is used mainly on personal emails and personalized messages.


As a user, you are able to change these fields which will be reflected on Jibble.

  • Email and phone number: Used for signing in (depending on what you used to sign up) or for contacting.

  • Password: Used to sign in to your Jibble account

  • Kiosk PIN: This is your personal Kiosk PIN. It’s used to clock in and out from the Kiosk mode if your PIN is required to track time on the kiosk. Learn more about setting up custom time clock restrictions to enable PIN verification.

Date & Time

By default, everyone follows the default time and date format on the organization settings.

As a user, this date & time format on your Account is only applicable to you. If you decide to change the setting, it will override the default organization settings.

  • Timezone: Set your current timezone

  • Duration format: Set your preferred duration format (which is applied to your timesheets and report)

  • Time format: Set your preferred time format (12 or 24 format)


Reports and reminder notifications under your account settings

Only people who have signed up and logged in can receive notifications.


Choose the channel to receive your reports from. For now, you can receive your reports via email.

Choose the channel to receive your reports from. For now, you can receive your reports via email.

As an owner/admin/manager, you are able to receive four types of reports:

  • Your daily attendance: Breakdown of the hours you clocked in the previous workday.

  • Your weekly activity: Breakdown of last week’s hours. By default, you will receive the report at 8 am on your chosen day.

  • Daily team attendance: Breakdown of the hours your team clocked in the previous workday.

  • Weekly team activity: Breakdown of last week’s hours. See who tracked the most and least hours, and the top activities and projects tracked. By default, you will receive the report at 8 am on your chosen day.

For normal members, they can only receive their personal daily attendance and weekly activity report.

Reminders & Alerts

Choose the channel to receive your reports from. For now, you can receive your notifications via email or push notifications on your mobile device.

You can choose the type of reminders you’ll like to receive:

  • Clock in reminder: Reminder to clock in based on your day’s start time.
  • Clock out reminder:  Reminder to clock out based on your day’s end time.
  • End break reminder: Reminder to end break based on your break’s allocated time slot or duration.

By default, these reminders will follow the default that is set on the organizational level on Time Tracking settings. However, you can override it by updating your account settings.

Note: End break reminder is not included under Time Tracking Settings. This feature is only available under Your Account Settings.

As an owner/admin/manager, you can choose to be notified about:

  • Unusual time clock behaviour alerts from your team. This includes:
    • Facial recognition mismatches when the unusual behaviour is set to flagged
    • Timer running into overtime
    • Late clock-ins to work
  • Report files when exporting takes more than X seconds. This includes:
    • Receiving an email notification when X seconds have passed and reports are not downloaded
    • Upon completion of the exported report, you will be able to download the reports directly from the Exported Files tab

As a normal member, you can choose to be notified about “Time Clock alerts” which include reminders to clock in and out as well as when you get automatic clocked out.

As a normal member, you can choose to be notified about "Time Clock alerts" which include reminders to clock in and out as well as when you get automatic clocked out.

Subscriptions and Data Privacy

You are able to check if you want to receive any updates from Jibble here.

By default, Jibble tracks user’s data when you first signed up. If this is unchecked, we will stop any means of tracking your usage, behaviour, and any other data.

Face Data

Face data is required to be set up when facial recognition is enabled for your team.

However, face data can only be set up and updated on the mobile app. You can only delete your face data on the web, but the next time you clock in on mobile, you’ll need to set your face data up again for facial recognition.