5 Ways Time Doctor Sucks

May 2023

Time Doctor is a software that provides manual and automatic time tracking, idle time detection, timesheet and payroll management, and integrations with popular payroll software solutions. While Time Doctor has gained popularity among users, it is important to consider its drawbacks before making a decision.

There are several significant issues within the software, which can make it a less-than-ideal option for some. Let’s explore these issues in more detail.

1. Screenshots are invasive to employees

Um, one notable concern raised by users of Time Doctor is the perception that the screenshot feature can be invasive to employees’ privacy. Time Doctor offers the ability to capture screenshots of employees’ screens at regular intervals as part of its employee monitoring functionality. While this feature is intended to provide transparency and accountability, some individuals feel that it encroaches upon their privacy rights. They may express discomfort with the idea of their screens being continuously monitored and captured without their explicit consent. Concerns are particularly heightened in remote work settings, where employees are working in their personal spaces. Users argue that constant screen capturing can create a sense of distrust and negatively impact the work environment.

Visually representing screenshots in Time Doctor

2. Faulty mobile app

A major issue is Time Doctor’s malfunctional mobile app. While the software generally provides a seamless experience across different devices, including smartphones and tablets, occasional issues or bugs arise that affect the functionality of the mobile app. There are problems such as crashes, slow performance, and difficulties in syncing data between the mobile app and the web platform. It’s important to note that the specific issues experienced can vary depending on the device, operating system, and software version.

Showing mobile app in Time Doctor

3. Idle detection is limiting

Sadly, when the Time Doctor application detects that the user is not actively using their mouse or keyboard, it automatically stops tracking the time being spent on a particular task or project. This disregards the time spent on meetings, and other important tasks that do not rely on mouse or keyboard usage.

Visually representing the timer in Time Doctor

4. Lack of free version

Time Doctor’s lack of a free version is another downside. Not having a free plan that allows users to access basic features without any cost is a bit of a limitation for those who want to use the software only for some basic functionalities. 

Visualizing pricing plans of Time Doctor

5. Limited offline tracking

One common issue of Time Doctor is the limited offline tracking functionality. The software has difficulties with accurately tracking time when working offline or in situations with intermittent internet connectivity. This limitation can lead to inaccuracies in their time logs, as the software heavily relies on an active internet connection to record and sync data in real-time. 

Showing it doesn't do offline tracking


While Time Doctor’s downsides are big concern for businesses, the software offers numerous benefits, making it a valuable option for businesses seeking efficient time tracking solutions. The software’s detailed pricing review is also worth a read before you make a decision for your organization.

Alternatively, why not read this Honest Review of Time Doctor where Jibble’s CEO gives his final verdict on Time Doctor.