How can NFC be used in time tracking?

Save time, reduce errors and ensure accurate work hours with NFC based technology

What is NFC?

Near-field communication (NFC) is a technology that allows devices to read and exchange information when they’re touched together or brought within a few centimeters of each other.

NFC is a subset of RFID, a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data and identify objects. NFC uses a specific RFID frequency of 13.56MHz for close-range communications.

Today, NFC technology is most commonly used for contactless payments such as Samsung Pay, Google Pay or Apple Pay however is getting increased traction in other areas such as time tracking, acess control and asset tracking due to its ease of use and reliability.

How does NFC work?

NFC technology includes two separate parts: an NFC tag and an NFC reader. 

An NFC tag contains a unique code, called UID (Unique ID) which is used to pair a tag to an object or person. The tag then uses radio waves to send information once tapped onto an NFC reader.

The NFC reader is the active part of the system, where it processes and analyzes the information before triggering a specific response. For example, storing data, opening a door or making a payment.

How is NFC used in time tracking?

NFC time and attendance systems are used for a quicker and more reliable means of clocking employees in and out. 

Firstly, an NFC tag is linked to a specific employee based on its unique ID. By tapping the linked tag to an NFC reader, the tag transmits the unique ID to the reader.

The reader then extracts information from the tag and verifies the identity of the employee before performing an action, such as clocking the employee in. The reader also confirms that it received a valid signal from the tag by using audio or visual cues such as beeps or a display of the employee’s name on a screen.

Why should I use an NFC time tracking system?

  • Accuracy

Because NFC time tracking systems work via the cloud, each time entry record is precise and gets updated in real-time. NFC also improves employee verification accuracy. Each employee is detected and identified by the reader, then matched up with the correct information in the database using its unique ID.

  • Cost-saving

Most smartphones or tablets are NFC-enabled and can be used as handheld readers, reducing the need for additional digital infrastructure.

  • Time-saving

With NFC, all that’s needed is a single, simple tap on the reader screen for time to be recorded. The immediate record gets uploaded electronically, reducing time spent on administration duties such as rekeying data.

  • Ease of use 

NFC technology serves as a simple and convenient method for time tracking – there’s no complicated set-up process for employers or employees. NFC tags are also small and light and do not require batteries, making them easy to carry around and ideal for long-term use.