Updating a person’s profile information

Here you can edit and update your member's profile details

Updating a profile in Jibble Dashboard

A person’s profile can be opened in a slider by clicking on the person’s profile photo or name. This can be done on the People page. When a new member is added, we are essentially creating a profile for them.

Only you, the owner or admin, are able to view and update everyone’s profile details, while managers can view and update their group members profiles and the members they manage directly.

In this article we will go through the sections on a person’s profile:

Basic work information

There are a few parts to edit a person’s basic information:



Profile photo

Your profile photo will be updated throughout the app, except for time entries if there are selfies taken

Full name

Your full name will be updated throughout the app

Preferred name

Your preferred name is used for emails, product tours, and other personalised messages


You are able to assign either one of these 3 roles: Member, Manager, or Admin

Permissions (custom individual)

By default, managers follow the default permissions set. Further individual permissions can be configured for managers or admins here.


A person can only be part of one group. However, managers/admins are able to manage multiple groups without being part of the group.

Assign direct managers

You can assign a manager directly to this person

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Contact information

The contact information consists of the email and/or phone number, which is used to invite the user to use Jibble. This will be used as their login details.

Only admins and owners are able to edit these details as backup, in case a member loses access to their email.

Employment information



Member code

Used as an identifier on reports. It will be randomly generated if blank but can be edited later on.

Billable rate

It is the rate applied to the projects billed for this person. You can analyze the person’s billable hours on the Tracked Time report.

Join date

By default, it is assigned the date when the user signed up with Jibble.

Kiosk PIN

(Note: You can send your member’s PIN to them via email or SMS if they forgot about their PIN)

This is a 4-digit PIN generated automatically used for kiosk mode only. If a PIN is required to clock in and out on kiosk mode, this is the person’s PIN.

However, managers/admins are able to use their own PIN to override any PINs on kiosk mode, if needed.

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Date & Time

This is mainly for the person’s timezone.

This is helpful if the user does not have an account on Jibble, but they still need to clock in from a different timezone.

Face data

Face data can only be set up and be updated on the mobile app. The only thing you can do on the Jibble web is to delete a user’s face data.

If facial recognition is enabled on Time Tracking settings, face data is required before the user can start to clock in and out. Once face data has been taken, you can only update it or delete it.

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Remove member

Lastly, there is also an option to remove the member here on their profile.

You can remove a team member by archiving them. When archiving a member, you are not permanently deleting them from Jibble.

You are still able to find them under “Archived Members” in the People overview. You can choose to restore them so they can access the app again, or permanently delete them from the app.

Archived members will still appear in searches, reports, and historic data. However, archived members won’t have access to the app anymore.