Requesting and managing time off as a member

Request for time off and manage time off requests for approval

With Jibble’s employee vacation tracker, members are able to request and edit time off for approval by their manager. 

Important❗: The ability for members to request time off is only available on Premium and Ultimate plans. On the Free plan, managers and admins are required to add time off for their members.

This article covers:

Requesting time off

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. Click on the Request Time Off button.
    Requesting time off as a member
  3. The Request Time Off sidebar will appear from the right of the screen.
  4. Fill in the required information for your time off:

    • Select a time off policy for your leave type
    • Depending on the time off policy that has been set up, you may either select a full day(s) off or a number of hours off
    • If you wish to take a full day off (or days off), select the start date and end date
    • If you wish to take a number of hours off, select the start date, start time and end time 
    • If required, add a reason or note
      Filling in time off detailsNote: Time off taken by Hours can only be added for up to 24 hours.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The requested time off will now be added to your time off overview.
    Time off added to overview


  • All time off requests will be in pending state by default until an action is taken by your manager.
  • If you have entitlement amounts set for your time off policies, your leave balances will be deducted once a time off is requested. 

Editing time off

Important: Only time off requests that are in pending state can be edited. 

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. If needed, filter time off by date, policies and statuses to narrow your results.
  3. Click on the pencil icon for the time off you wish to edit.
    Editing pending time off requests
  4. Fill in the required information for your time off.
  5. Click Save.


Cancelling time off

Pending time off requests can be cancelled if you do not wish to proceed with your request. Cancelled time off will still be shown on your time off overview and will not be removed.

Important: Only time off requests that are in pending state can be cancelled. 

  1. Go to Time Off.
  2. If needed, filter time off by date, policies and statuses to narrow your results.
  3. Click on the X icon for the time off you wish to cancel.
    Cancelling pending time off requests
  4. Confirm your action in the prompt.
    Confirming time off cancellation in prompt
  5. Your time off will now be cancelled.

Note: If an entitlement amount has been set for the time off policy, leave balances will be reverted upon cancelling a time off request.

Time off statuses

There are 4 statuses that time off requests can be in; pending, approved, cancelled and rejected. 

Different statuses for time off

Time off status Definition
Pending The pending status is shown for all time off requests that have just been added. Time off requests that are in pending state can still be edited or cancelled. Leave balances will be deducted for all pending time off requests.
Approved The approved status is shown for time off requests that have been approved by your manager. No further changes can be made to approved time off requests.
Note: Managers will be able to cancel your approved time off requests.
Cancelled The cancelled status is shown for time off requests that have been cancelled either by yourself or by your manager. No further changes can be made to cancelled time off requests. Leave balances will be reverted upon cancellation of a time off request.
Rejected The rejected status is shown for time off requests that have been rejected by your manager. No further changes can be made to rejected time off requests. Leave balances will be reverted upon rejection of a time off request.

Time off balances

Important❗: Time off balances is only available on the Premium and Ultimate plans. 

You will be able to view your total entitled amount and time off balances for each time off policy you are assigned to. You can find time off balances overview by going to the Time Off page and clicking on the Leave Balances tab.

Under the Leave Balances tab, your respective Entitled, Taken and Balance amounts for each type of time off policy will be displayed. 

Leave balances with entitled, taken and balance amounts for members